
Ash timeline

Doylestown Borough had its first real show of Emerald Ash Borer fatalities in 2016. Sort of a 1/3 potential, with respect to removal permits submitted at Shade Tree Meetings, 3rd Wednesday of each month at Borough Hall. As chair of the borough’s STC, I predict more than half of the…

This Week in Bark

I stop frequently to check patches of maturing bark in hardwood stands near my house. Close inspection through a lens reveals so much activity.

No seriously, THIS is a Grape vine

Pealing back the layers of a hedgerow over the Winter. It is a seasonal repetition that never gets old. Always looking back in time to what context of trees and system used to be there…sort of a path of discovery in Bucks County. Very small clues, very infrequently offered up…

Free Hand Hickory Cant 

Square! cuts without the rails on a piece of 100 yr. old Shag Hickory that split over a house in Plumstead last year. Slow going with such dense, squirrelly grain, but it will slab nicely with an Alaskan later. As much as I like working off ‘pony’ sawhorses, a bit…

Mulberry !

Christmas gifts using firewood from a removal a year or two ago…sooo orange with Linseed as a finish.

Real Long term effects of Sandy

Impact on the canopy in Maplewood Park’s woods, for years to come. A break in the shade is normal. This is an opportunity for the woods to be fruitful. This is a 100 yard x 100 yard rift that unfortunately will fill in with Honeysuckle (Lonicera jap.) & Burning Bush…

Rainbow Eucalyptus?

It’s the cap of that Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) pealed back with a scrub plane wide open…mixed staining from branch woundwood & water exposure. That last shot had such a linear contrast pattern like the gum down under.