Basking Ridge White Oak

What could be the National Champion White Oak is slated to come down tomorrow! in a small Basking Ridge cemetery in New Jersey. Going to be a rediculous Removal considering DAVEY Tree injected like 6 cubic yards of cement into the main trunk to deal with a trunk cavity in the 1920’s.
77″ DBH, approx. 160′ spread & maybe 75′ tall (all major scaffolds had been tipped back to 4-10″ stubs throughout the canopy). It’s limb structure was stretched and sweeping the ground, horizontal for 70+ feet in all directions, very reminiscent of the Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana).

Pitched at 600+ yrs old…to be confirmed after tomorrow’s work.

Thanks to Jenn Jarrett & John Huber & Zinnia, for getting me to see this tree!